On the occasion of the end of the TWEET project (August 2023), we organized a one-day workshop at Politecnico di Milano on Monday, June 5th (10:00-17:30)
The morning has been devoted to a summary of the project, with contributions from our CNR-SPIN, PoliMi and UniNa groups (especially
from our young researchers who actively worked on the project).
The afternoon has been a “Beyond TWEET” session, with a few internationally renowned experts working on correlated materials, magnetism, ferroelectricity etc., who reported their most recent interesting results (not necessarily focused on 2D-ferroelectrics) and provided inspiration for future activities and collaborations.
The invited speaker were
- Morgan Trassin, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Ignasi Fina, ICMAB Barcelona, Spain
- Jagoda Slawinska, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Roberto Mantovan, CNR-IMM Agrate, Italy
We attracted the interest of researchers (including PhD students and young postdocs) working in the field of quantum materials, with active spin/dipolar/charge/orbital degrees of freedom.
9:30-10:00: Welcome coffee
10:00-10:20 – Opening
10:20-11:00 – Contributions from CNR-SPIN Chieti
11:00-11:30 – “Ferroelectric switching of spin to charge current conversion” by Prof. Christian Rinaldi from PoliMi – download
11:30-12:00 – “Growth of HZO/LSMO films on vicinal substrates” by Alessia Sambri from CNR-SPIN Napoli – download
12:00-12:30 – “Second harmonic Generation on 2D ferroelectrics” by Dr. Roith Kumar from UnINa – download
12:30-14:30 – Lunch
14:30-15:00 – Invited talk “Polarization dynamics during ferroic oxide thin film growth” by Morgan Trassin (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) – download
15:00-15:30 – Invited talk “Worse might be better in ferroelectric HfO2” Ignasi Fina (ICMAB Barcelona, Spain) – download
15:30-16:00 – Invited talk “Towards robust spin transport in ferroelectric materials” by Jagoda Slawinska (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
16:00-16:30 – Invited talk “Large-area topological insulators for spintronics“. Roberto Mantovan (CNR-IMM Agrate, Italy)
16:30-16:40 – Closing
16:45-17:30 – Free discussions for those who are interested
20:00 – Social dinner
Participation is free of charge. However, to facilitate the organization, please register filling the following
We will release a “Certificate of Attendance” to each participant.
Workshop Chairs
Silvia Picozzi, CNR-SPIN, Chieti, Italia
Christian Rinaldi, Politecnico di Milano, Italia
Andrea Rubano, Università di Federico II di Napoli, Italia
Alessia Sambri, CNR-SPIN, Napoli, Italia
Local organizing committee
Silvia Picozzi, CNR-SPIN, Chieti, Italia
Christian Rinaldi, Politecnico di Milano, Italia
How to reach the classroom
The workshop was in Aula Beltrami, in the main campus of Politecnico di Milano, Building 5, piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan

Where to stay – Accomodation
Here it is a list of some suggested hotels in the nearby.
*** highly reccomended
Hotel Gamma ***
Via Valvassori Peroni, 85 20133 Milano – Italia
Phone: +39 02 26413152
Fax: +39 02 2640255
Hotel Dieci ***
Largo Rio de Janeiro, 12 – 20133 Milano (Italy)
Phone: +39 02 70608180
Fax: +39 02 26684206
Viva Hotel ***
Via Giacinto Gallina, 12, 20129 Milano
Phone:+39 02 36631070
Fax: +39 02 36631078
Oasi Village Hotel
Viale Lombardia, 20 – 20131 Milano, Italia
Phone: +39 02 2395 1472
Fax: +39 02 70606666
Hotel San Francisco
Viale Lombardia 55 – 20131 Milano, Italia
Phone: +39 02 2360302
Fax: +39 02 26680377
Hotel Dorè
Via Paganini, 7 | 20131 Milano, Italia
Phone: +39.02.29510859
Fax +39.02.2047174