Inspired by the global thrust towards miniaturization and by the ubiquitous research in 2D-materials, TWEET (ToWards fErroElectricity in Two-dimensions) promises disruptive advances in ferroelectricity towards the 2D-limit. By targeting the delivery of technological impact via fundamental understanding and materials optimization, our goal will be to achieve full control of ferroelectricity in few-layers films of CMOS-compatible materials. TWEET is conceived in two pillars. The first is focused on the growth of high-quality HfO2 ultrathin films, aiming at microscopic understanding and control of the ferroelectric order in static/dynamic regimes, complemented by device exploitation in tunnel barriers. The second pillar focuses on the growth of 2D-chalcogenides (SnTe, GeTe), the ferroelectric control of their spin texture and the exploitation of non-volatile electric tuning of charge/spin transport, capitalizing on the discovery (by the PI and some consortium members) of a novel spin-electric coupling in bulk GeTe. The TWEET vision is fulfilled by the synergy of accurate modelling (CNR-Ch), highly-controlled synthesis (CNR-Na, PoliMi), advanced characterizations (UniNa, CNR-Na, PoliMi) and
cutting-edge device implementation (PoliMi), activities led by recognized senior and young leaders in respective fields.
Program: PRIN 2017
Funding Agency: Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR)
Title: ToWards fErroElectricity in Two-dimensions
Acronym: TWEET
Project ID 2017YCTB59
Principal Investigator: Silvia Picozzi (CNR-SPIN)
Local Unit: Andrea Rubano (Università di Napoli Federico II – UNINA)
Local Unit: Christian Rinaldi (Politenico di Milano – PoliMi)