Picozzi Silvia Dr.
COORDINATOR of the project
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR-SPIN, Chieti
Silvia Picozzi is the coordinator of the TWEET project. She is Director of Research at the Chieti unit of the Institute SPIN of the National Research Council of Italy. She is an elected fellow of the American Physical Society and she’s responsible for the Theory branch of the Nanoscience Foundries & Fine Analysis national project (Trieste).
Her activity is related to materials modeling (mostly simulations based on density functional theory, but also symmetry analysis and model Hamiltonian) in the field of functional materials (such as ferroelectrics, (anti)-ferromagnets), multiferroics) and materials with strong spin-orbit interaction (i.e. Rashba-Dresselhaus effects, topological matter).

Miletto Granozio Fabio Dr.
Responsible for hafnium oxide
Research Director at CNR-SPIN
CNR-SPIN, unità di Napoli
Fabio Miletto Granozio is in charge for the research on ferroelelectric epitaxial (Hf,Zr)O2 films within the TWEET project. He is responsible for the CNR-SPIN laboratory called Modular facility for Oxide Deposition and Analysis (MODA). His scientific activity is focused on transition metal oxides thin films and heterostructures.

Rinaldi Christian Dr.
Local coordinator (Polimi), responsible for SnTe and devices
Senior researcher (RTDB)
Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano
Christian Rinaldi is a senior researcher and assistant professor at Politecnico di Milano. He received the Ph.D. in Physics in 2013 and he has been visiting researcher at the Institute of Physics in Prague.
His research activity is focused on spin-dependent phenomena in semiconductors, ferroelectrics, ferromagnets and complex heterostructures. He pioneered the experimental investgiation of ferroelectric Rashba semiconductors with studies about GeTe. He is in charge of the growth and investigation of the properties of ultrathin SnTe.
He is member of the Executive Board of the Italian Association of Magnetism (aimagn.org), responsible for several scientific websites, reviewer for various high-impact journals (comprising Nature's family) and supervisor of Ph.D. and master students.

Rubano Andrea Dr.
Local coordinator (UniNa)
Researcher (RTDB)
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università Federico II di Napoli
Andrea Rubano is the responsible in the TWEET project for the Nonlinear Optics characterization of 2D ferroelelectrics, and in particular hafnium-zirconium oxide and chalcogenides. His expertise is on several linear and nonlinear optical techniques such as Second Harmonic Generation (SHG), THz time-domain spectroscopy, THz Hyper-Raman spectroscopy, Pump&Probe optical experiments, photoluminescence and linear spectroscopy. His scientific activity is focused on the wide class of strongly correlated materials, with particular regard on oxides thin films and heterostructures.

Yu Qiucheng Dr.
Università Federico II di Napoli
Qiucheng Yu is the researcher of the TWEET project for the nonlinear optical spectroscopy of two-dimensional ferroelectrics. He is mainly responsible for the nonlinear optics laboratory with second harmonic generation on 2D ferroelectrics. His research fields include terahertz spectroscopy, nonlinear optics and ferroelectric thin films.

Fagiani Federico Dr.
Member of the PoliMi unit
Ph.D. student
Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Milano
Federico is in charge of electrical characterization of ferroelectric Rashba semiconductors

Kumar Rohit Dr.
Member of the unit UniNa
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università Federico II di Napoli
His PhD project focuses broadly on the light matter interaction on the two dimensional ferroelectrics such as doped hafnium oxide and Rashba semiconductors. The main experimental techinque is nonlinear optical Second Harmonic Generation (SHG). SHG is useful for probing ferroelectrics as by definition they break the inversion symmetry which is a source of SH signal.