General info
CONTACT from the project: Dott. Fabio Miletto Granozio
CONDITION: operative
Scope of the lab
The Research Unit of Naples has a considerable set of scientific equipment covering the following areas: advanced thin films deposition, micro- and nano-patterning, structural/morphological and electronic transport characterization down to ultra-low temperatures in the presence of high magnetic fields or external radiation, advanced optical characterization and spectroscopy in the wavelength range 200 – 1500 nm also time resolved, low noise electronic characterization of devices, sensors and detectors, high/performance calculus. For more information, please click here.
The core of the activity of the project dedicated to ferroelectric is based on MODA (Modular Facility for Oxide Deposition and Analysis), a cluster system composed by a UHV Pulsed Laser Deposition system equipped with RHEED, and a UHV Multi-chambers Sputtering system, in-situ connected with X-ray and ultra-violet Photoemission spectroscopy, Spot-profile Analysis Low Energy Electron Diffraction system and Scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy.