General info
CONTACT from the project: Dott. Christian Rinaldi (
LOCATION: Politecnico di Milano
CONDITION: operative
Scope of the lab
The lab of the Department of Physics of Politecnico di Milano is headed by Prof. Riccardo Bertacco. It is equipped for research in spintronics, aiming to exploit novel properties of materials for the realization of innovative devices. The lab is equipped with several equipments for the growth of thin films and heterostructures.
The activity of the Nanomagnetism for Biology and Spintronics group is built around Polifab, the new micro and nanofabrication facility of Politecnico di Milano, in which part of the equipment is located.
Growth of thin films
- AJA ATC Orion 8 Sputtering System [more info]
- “LAyered Structures for Spin Electronics” (LASSE): an Ultra-high vacuum cluster tool for the growth (MBE, PLD) of thin films of magnetic materials, oxides, chalcogenidhes. The system is endowed with several in-situ characterization techniques (and characterization (XPS, UPS, XPD, LEED, RHEED) [more info]

Magnetic characterization
- Kerr microscope for the imaging of magnetic domains [more info]
- Vibrating sample magnetometer by Microsense LLC (2.3 T, 100 K-700 K) [more info]

Magneto-electric characterization
- Closed-circuit helium cryostat with optical access and magnetic field [more info]
- Four-probes setup for electrical characterization of films and devices
- Setup for the in-vacuum electrical characterization of devices (through bonding), with rotating magnetic fields.
- Setup for the magneto-electric characterization, with the possibility to rotate the sample within a uniform film at room-temperature

Ferroelectric characterization
- aixACCT Thin films analyzer TFA2000 [more info]