Electron transport and plasmonic response of metallic oxides
On May 27th 2021 at 3:30 p.m. (CET) an on-line seminar will be given by Josep Fontcuberta from Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC).
Abstract of the talk
Metallic oxides are commonly viewed as examples of electron-correlated systems, where the electron-electron interactions within narrow 3d bands govern electrical and optical properties. However, analysis of some electrical properties suggests some fundamental difficulties with this approximation, may be pointing to different scenarios. Here we shall review properties of SrVO3 and SrNbO3 thin films, probably the simplest seemingly correlated systems, and argue that electron-phonon interaction plays a major role. Phonon dressed carriers are heavier and account, among other properties, for the transparency of these oxides in the visible range.
Details of the online seminar
Use the following info to connect to the seminar on Zoom
Meeting ID 870 8259 4945
Passcode 325273
Link https://polimi-it.zoom.us/j/87082594945?pwd=TE15L0pqQ0NHa2x6ZkE5bXJURkdwUT09
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